A resumed experience as an art teacher, grades K-12.…
Seeing the Unseen “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi Enduring Idea: Turning your invisible world into visible. Questions:…
Art is an expression, communication, using imagination and skills to create aesthetic objects, environments, experiences, and emotions. It can be through the visual arts (painting, drawing, sculpture, printmaking), the graphic arts (design, photography, and other forms…
The complete curriculum with 5 lessons: Art, Nature, and Soul (Curriculum) Art, Nature, and Soul “Art, nature, and soul.” Is the theme for this curriculum unit. Seeing art, nature, and life (our souls) with different eyes.…
In 2020 we experience firsthand, how technology is essential. With the need to stay home, classes that were not adapt to an online environment had to quickly learn it. Technology integration is using technology to enhance…